Azumarill, use Bubble Beam!
Hello hello and welcome to Splash Bunny, the TAFL-approved fanlisting for Pokémon #184, the dual Water/Fairy-type (since Generation VI, anyway ;P) Aqua Rabbit, Azumarill! If you're a fan of this roly-poly river-dwelling bunnymon, then please add your name to the list!
You are viewing Version 1.0 of Splash Bunny, creatively titled Splish Splash, due to being design through a fog of nerve pain. The layout's composite image features official Pokémon sprites from various generations, a scan from the TCG, and uses brushes by Photoshop Tutorials. This layout should be accessible on all devices of all sizes, but if this isn't the case for you, as always, please let me know and I'll see what I need to fix!